To see the city of Chicago transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To build rooted, strong, growing, and engaged gospel communities in our post-Christian urban world.
Our Beliefs
Holy Trinity Church is a non-denominational church in the Reformed tradition of the Christian faith.
Holy Trinity Church uses the historic Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) as our doctrinal statement. The elders of Holy Trinity Church have annotated this document for theological clarity in our current context.
Holy Trinity Church is governed by a Constitution, also called the Book of Church Order. It is, in part, based on the Presbyterian Church in America Book of Church Order. It is comprised of three separate parts, with each part and subsequent amendment adopted by full vote of the membership of Holy Trinity Church.
Download The Westminister Confession and Holy Trinity Church's Constitution
Our Story
Holy Trinity Church began as a dream in the hearts of founding pastors, David R. Helm and Jon M. Dennis, to establish a reproducing Word and gospel-centered church in Chicago. In June of 1998, a core group of 37 adults relocated from suburban Chicagoland to launch Holy Trinity Church. By further exploring city-based models and the ministry of Tim Keller, Dick Lucas, and Philip Jensen, the elders became convinced that God was calling them to a vision of seeing Chicago transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In December 2002, Holy Trinity Church launched a second congregation downtown from a core group of 35, which quickly grew to over 100 and has continued to grow.
In 2009, God miraculously opened the door to expand Holy Trinity Church even further. Lakeshore Baptist Church in the Lakeview neighborhood joined Holy Trinity Church to launch a new congregation on the north side of Chicago. Tom Barret was hired as the lead pastor. Thus Holy Trinity Church North Side began.
In 2011, HTC North Side moved to Blaine Elementary School on Southport Avenue in Lakeview.
In 2014, Kyle Edwards became the lead pastor.
In 2017, HTC North Side moved from Blaine Elementary to our current home in Roscoe Village. We’re continually grateful for the hospitality of Lakeview Seventh Day Adventist Church in allowing us to meet in their church building.
We believe that God’s grace is everything. It changes our lives, making us forgiven and beloved children of our heavenly Father. Its impact is comprehensive: it shapes our hearts, transforming our fears, hopes, and desires; it forms our minds, so that we learn to think as Christians rather than cultural partisans; it strengthens our hands as we seek to love our neighbors in justice and mercy; and it grows us into a body of other grace-shaped people who care and pray for each other, eat together, and help each other to follow Jesus through the challenges and hardships of this life. Come join us!